Stop! Read This Before Approaching Any Money Lenders To Protect Your Self.
This message is especially for Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and Foreigners in Singapore who are looking for personal loans in Singapore.
You are probably reading this because you need a personal loan and you are googling for your options to get the best deal possible just like any rational consumer. Before you continue your search, we would like to share with you some important details when you are searching for a loan with regards to money lenders.
- If you received a call from anyone trying to offer you a loan – SAY NO!
- If you received a SMS from anyone trying to offer you a loan – SAY NO!
- If you received an email from anyone trying to offer you a loan – SAY NO!
The reason is simple, according to the Money Lender’s Act and Singapore’s regulations, Licensed money lenders are NOT allowed to promote their services by means of SMS, cold calls and emails.
We cannot emphasize this enough but if you have received one from any of the channels above – say no to them.
They are definitely unlicensed and in some (if not most) cases they are what we know as “loan sharks” in Singapore (illegal money lenders who use unscrupulous means to recover their loans)
If you take a loan from them – be prepared for the following consequences:
- Violent threats made against your family and/or you
- Non-stop harassment from unsavory characters in recovering their debt
- Harassment and Embarrassment in your workplace
- Ridiculous interest rates and hidden costs on your loan
Without a doubt, there is ABSOLUTELY no reason why you will borrow from an illegal money lender. No one in the right mind will pay more interest and subject him or herself to such undue treatments.
What should you turn to then?
We are aware there is a stigma and misconception that money lenders are really “loan sharks” with money lending licenses or money lenders are businesses operated by shaddy businessmen.
The truth is this – There are legit licensed money lenders operated by Man of integrity and honesty – just like any other business. In fact, in order to turn a profit, just like any businesses out there in Singapore, a business has to:
- Comply with Singapore’s Law & Regulations
- Invest capital to run the business
- Invest in marketing
- Invest in Sales
- Invest in Operations and Overheads
- Provide a GOOD customer service to retain clients and earn new customers.
- Turn a profit in doing the above well
Let the above sink in and ask yourself – why would a money lending business be any different? Any rational business will seek to make CONSISTENT profits over the long term by being legally obliging and providing a high level of service to customers to retain their business.
You Are That Customer Who Deserves Nothing But The Best Customer Service At The Most Competitive Interest Rate!